6 - A, 6 - B
Сучасні технології
27.01 Урок 71. Тема: Гаджети у моєму житті (Zoom)
28.01 Урок 72. Тема: Мій улюблений гаджет (Zoom)
29.01 Урок 73. Тема: З історії комп’ютерів (Zoom)
03.02 Урок 74. Тема: Комп’ютери та інтернет
Lesson 73
Topic: From the history of computers
Glad to see you!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks
1) slide 1. Choose
2) slide 2. Check homework
3) slide 3. Answer
4) slide 4. Read
5) slide 5. Complete
Lesson 72
Topic: My favourite gadget
Glad to see you!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks
1) slide 1. Choose
2) slide 2. Make comparatives and complete
3) slide 3. Remember
4) slide 4. Make superlatives
5) slide 5. Complete
slide 6. Make superlatives and complete
Lesson 71
Topic: Gadgets in my life
Glad to see you!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks
1) slide 1. Read the words and try to guess their meanings
2) slide 2. Answer
3) slides 3 - 4. Watch and answer
4) slide 5. Match and REMEMBER
an e-reader - електронна книга
a games console - ігрова приставка
headphones - навушники
a keyboard - клавіатура
a laptop - ноутбук
a screen - екран
a speaker - колонка
a tablet - планшет
5) slide 6. Read and answer
Learn the words on slide 5 by heart
Харчування поза домом
15.01 Урок 67. Тема: Їжа
20.01 Урок 68. Тема: Улюблена їжа (Zoom)
21.01 Урок 69. Тема: Вулична їжа (Zoom)
22.01 Урок 70. Тема: Фестиваль вуличної їжі (Zoom)
Lesson 70
Topic: Street food festival
Glad to see you again!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks.
1) slide 1. Complete
2) slide 2. Complete
3) slides 3 - 5. Check homework
4) slide 6. Task 1. Complete
Lesson 69
Topic: Street food
Glad to see you again!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks.
Lesson 68
Topic: Favoutite food
Glad to see you again!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks.
1) slide 1. Make questions
2) slides 2 - 4. Answer
3) slides 5 - 10. Make phrases
4) slide 11. Check homework
5) slide 12. Read and remember
as ... as - такий як
not as ... as - не такий як
6) slide 13. Make sentences
slide 14. Complete
Lesson 67
Topic: Food
Glad to see you again!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks.
1) slide 1. Make sentences negative
2) slide 2. Which word doesn't belong in each group?
3) slides 4 - 7. Answer
4) slide 8. Match
5) slide 9. Task 2. Complete
Task 3. Speak
slide 10. Choose
Покупки 13.01 Урок 65. Тема: Огляд покупок (Zoom) 14.01 Урок 66. Тема: Найкраще місце для покупок (Zoom)
Lesson 66
Topic: The best place for shopping
Glad to see you again!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks.
Lesson 65
Topic: Shopping
Glad to see you again!
How are you?
Study the presentation and do the tasks.
1) slide 1. Complete
2) slides 2 - 3. Task 1. Answer
Task 2. Read and answer
3) slide 4. Task 3. Match
Task 4. Are the sentences right (V) or wrong (X)?
Task 5. Complete
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